The Latest In Mobility
7 Things to Consider Before Buying a Scooter that Folds
by Jacklyn NuqueA mobility scooter is a mobility aid equivalent to a wheelchair that is built and configured to operate like a motorized scooter. It is also called an electric scooter or power-operated scooter. Read more to know the 7 Things to Consider Before Buying a Scooter that Folds.
How to Choose the Best Patient Lift for Your Home
by Courtney Inman
Being mobile at home is essential for someone with a disability. Patient lifts are medical devices that offer daily mobility aid to people who are unable to stand or walk on their own. Join us as we walk you through the crucial process of choosing the appropriate lift and sling for your loved one.
Taking Care of ADA Pool Equipment - Myth's & Facts
by Courtney Inman
Even if you have an ADA compliant pool lift, it is also your obligation to ensure your equipment in optimal working condition. How do you protect your existing pool lifts or the ones you are planning to buy?
Summer is here! - Is your Pool Ready?
by Courtney Inman
At Wheelchair Liberty, we have high-quality products for both residential or commercial applications.
Did you know we carry pool lifts that can ...