How to Choose Your Mobility Scooter

How to Choose Your Mobility Scooter

Your mobility scooter is going to be your trusted everyday companion for a long time. So it only makes sense to be very thorough in choosing which electric scooter to buy.

Here are a few things you'll need to consider while checking the features of mobility scooters that best suits you:

1. Is it for indoors or outdoors use?

If you're going to use your scooter indoors e.g. your house, supermarkets, malls, etc., you would opt for 3-wheel scooters that have small turning radius making it easier to maneuver in narrow spaces.

Pioneer 3 3-Wheel Electric Scooter by Merits

If you're planning on using your scooters outdoors e.g. parks, running on errands, trips to places, then you would want the more stable 4-wheel scooters that can run on uneven terrains. There are also several scooters that are both good for indoors and outdoors. 

2. Weight Capacity.

You should also check how much weight the mobility scooter you're eyeing can handle. Most small electric scooters can support adults of up to 250lbs, while bigger, bariatric ones can support up to 500lbs. 

Enduro Xl4 Bariatric 4-wheel Electric Scooter by Shoprider


3. Will it fit your vehicles for easy transport?

If you're always on-the-go plan to bring your mobility scooter with you on your travels, you will need to consider its portability. There are folding electric scooters that fits the trunk of any car or van.

There are also slightly bigger ones that can be disassembled into pieces.

While other bigger ones won't fit inside the vehicle, you also have the option to get scooter carriers that you can attach to your car or van.

4. Seat comfort and convenience.

There are plenty of choices for seats for your mobility scooter. There are standard economical pan seats, comfortable and spacious captain seats. Some also come with standard or swing-away armrests. Some seats swivel for easier entry and exit to the electric scooter. 


Once you have already decided which features you want in your next mobility scooter, go check out our array of electric scooter offers!

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